Bo Parker Asked to Judge Webawards for 5th Year
THINQ Design principal, Bo Parker, was invited for the 5th year to judge the Web Marketing Association’s Web Award Competition.
Founded by the Web Marketing Association in 1997, the WebAwards is the standards-defining competition that sets industry benchmarks for the best web sites based on the seven criteria of a successful website.
The goal of the WebAwards is to provide a forum to recognize the people and organizations responsible for developing some of the most effective websites on the Internet today.
Beyond validation, entrants benefit from a website assessment by a professional judging panel, which provides specific feedback on how each site ranks against standards of excellence.
The criteria for selecting a judge is as follows:
A select group of Internet professionals and site developers who have direct experience designing and managing corporate web sites. Our judges must have an in-depth understanding of the current state-of-the-art in web site design and technology and the objectivity to score entries according to a predefined set of criteria.
Past judges have been President, Creative Director, New Media Coordinator, E-Business Manager, Director of Marketing, Sr. Web Designer or Webmaster of some of the most respected companies in the world of interactive development.